Exemplifications 2024-05-23T16:03:01+00:00


The State One Degree Exemplification (Hybrid) is held every fourth Thursday of the month from July 2024 to June 2025, at the St. Josephine Bakhita Church, 7:30PM. Candidates to be there for 7:00PM.

Pre-registration is required as we need to know how many candidates attend live and zoom. To register, please contact James Zammit at jzammit@circlink.ca or Joseph Remedios at faithdirector@ontariokofc.ca

On registration, provide the following information:

  • Full name of the candidate
  • Membership number
  • Candidates mobile number and email address
  • Sponsoring council name and number
  • Is the candidate a “New Member” or “completing a Third Degree for Full Knighthood“.

The dress code for the Exemplification is Business, no T-shirts, or casual attire.

Zoom link:  https://zoom.us/j/98753609322?pwd=TDRwQWxucjNyT1RWbGFCSGVIUmVvUT09
Meeting ID: 987 5360 9322
Passcode: 482089

Knighthood (3rd) Degree

SequenceDegree DateLocation (City)Conferring OfficerHost Council #Host District #District DeputyBooking StatusE/F    
1Sep-29-2019TorontoJoseph Remedios15463108Joe ChanConfirmedE
2Oct-05-2019GrimsbyPaul Gamble49176Mario DurandConfirmedE
3Oct-19-2019OttawaAndr? Richer1150042Marcel LachanceConfirmedF
4Oct-19-2019KingstonWilliam Coppens965293Saverio De BenedettiConfirmedE
5Oct-20-2019GuelphKevin Smith 1063169Armando CarereConfirmedE
6Nov-09-2019KapuskasingDenis La Salle843012Andr? NoletConfirmedE
7Nov-17-2019WindsorPaul Peltier979339Jesmond Taboneto be rescheduledE
8Nov-17-2019BramptonJoseph Remedios1291643Perry RabadiConfirmedE
9Nov-23-2019WalkertonKevin Smith 560728Steve CuneoConfirmedE
10Jan-25-2020LondonPaul Peltier62469Kevin BelangerConfirmedE
11Feb-16-2020FonthillStephen Germann1390364Martin MarkoConfirmedE
12Mar-21-2020SudburyDenis La Salle607413Dennis TominiConfirmedE
13Mar-29-2020LondonPaul Peltier151169Kevin BelangerConfirmedE
14Apr-18-2020OshawaJacques Plourde854936Knolly BurnhamConfirmedE
15Apr-26-2020BramptonJoseph Remedios1291643Perry RabadiConfirmedE
16May-03-2020OshawaPaul Gamble267136Knolly BurnhamConfirmedE
1716-May-2020 (revised date)OttawaHarold Marcotte16005101Roger RichardConfirmedE

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